
Hi There!
I'm Maria Catalina

Welcome to my corner of the web!

I love writing stories... My mind is always conjuring up new stories, constantly creating new characters, plots, and even complex multiversal story lines. I want to share these stories with the world - for people to laugh, cry and suffer along with my characters.


I’ve had many sources of inspiration over the years.

I’ve had many sources of inspiration over the years. Some of the most important books I can mention would be the “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” and “The Heroes of Olympus” series by Rick Riordan, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Superpowered. Some of my favorite movie inspirations were “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Man of Steel” and “Gladiator”. I’m an Anime lover, and series such as “Attack on titan”, “Tokyo ghoul” and “My hero academy” have had a huge influence on my story writing and character art. Last but not least are comics - I began reading them when I was 11 and oddly enough they were what fully launched me on a path of creativity and writing. Btw, check all of them out if you haven't already!


I just want people to enjoy my stories on this website.

I will keep publishing my chapters here, until I can publish them officially as actual book. I will publish a new chapter every month, and occasionally I'll publish digital art and comics here too. Wrapping up, I hope you enjoy my stories. I try my best, but I know that what I write is not for everybody. I hope that there are a few people who will find my work and like, enjoy it, and share it with others!


Happy reading!


New: The Shadows of the Celestials Series!

Follow Asher and his friends as they fight to stay alive in a world that seems out to get them and their kind!

Shadows of the Celestials

Shadows of the Celestials

Normal. It's a word Asher Hexun has never known the meaning of. He's never in the same place for long, and he's never met his mom. Not to mention he has weird markings all over his body- He has no clue what they mean and his dad won't tell him either. All he knows is that he is no normal. All these are mysteries that haunt him, until his life changes forever on his 15th birthday...

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Throne of Desolations (Coming Soon!)

Throne of Desolations (Coming Soon!)

After the destruction of their home, Asher and his fellow fugitives are on the run from both the Celestials and the law. To make matters worse, Asher seems to be ready to shift, and given their current situation, that would be very, very bad indeed. His friends are divided on what course of action to pursue, and of course Asher is nowhere close to fulfilling the promise he made to his dad, only adding to his frustration...

Most Recent Chapters

Pick up right where you left off!