


Maria Catalina Higuera

Medical Student/Writer

This website and the stories we publish here were created by me and my friend Xavier. We are a pair friends who share a passion for reading and decided to combine forces to publish some of my work. He created the website, I write the stories, he edits my writing (my spelling and grammar are hideous), and we profit (stonks). Well there isn’t much to say about myself. I was born in Colombia but have spent most of my life living in Panama. I moved around a lot during my early childhood which included one year in the U.S - that’s where I first learned english, and picked up some of my current hobbies - reading, writing, watching anime, reading manga, drawing, and napping.


I also have a bunch of secondary hobbies that I do occasionally, such as crocheting, embroidery, and impulsively playing hard sheet music on the piano, in spite of my small ass hands being in my way. I used to consider myself an introverted person, but I have been informed otherwise - I guess I just don't know when to stop talking. I’m both artistically inclined and a lover of science, so I decided to study medicine while also finding outlets for my creativity, such as this website and the stories we publish here.